• Members 55 posts
    June 25, 2024, 9:57 a.m.

    I started my Facebook campaign yesterday, and it shows 48 purchases, but I haven't actually received any orders. I tested the payment process, and everything seems to be working fine. I'm also running ads on other platforms, and the discrepancy there is much smaller. The pixel and events are set up and showing purchases, but they're not accurate. Any ideas on what's going wrong?

  • Mod
    June 25, 2024, 10:11 a.m.

    The Facebook pixel here is configured correctly which is responsible for tracking the 'Purchase' event on your website. It is firing incorrectly on actions that are not actual purchases. Here's how you can address this issue:
    Step 1. Review Facebook pixel installation
    - Navigate to your Shopify Admin panel.
    - Now click on 'Online Store' and then click on 'Preferences'.
    - Scroll down to the Facebook Pixel section and make sure that your Pixel ID is correct.

    Step 2 Check purchase event configuration
    - Go to Facebook Ads Manager.
    - Open the 'Events Manager' tab.
    - Select your Pixel and review the setup for the 'Purchase' event.

    Step 3 Test the Pixel with Facebook Pixel Helper
    - Install the Facebook Pixel Helper extension for Google Chrome.
    - Go to your store's checkout page and make a test purchase.
    - The Pixel Helper should be able to show a 'Purchase' event triggered upon order completion. If it triggers at any other time, there is your problem.

    Step 4 Adjust your pixel
    - If the Pixel fires incorrectly, adjust the event in 'Events Manager'.
    - Use the 'Event Setup Tool' to specify that the 'Purchase' event should fire on the 'Thank You' or order confirmation page.