• Members 55 posts
    Dec. 4, 2023, 6:26 a.m.

    Can you provide me with a troubleshooting list for fixing (not set) value for Google Ads in my GA4 report?

  • Mod
    Dec. 4, 2023, 6:42 a.m.

    Sure. Here's the checklist that can help:

    Optimizing Google Ads and Google Analytics Integration:

    1. Linking Google Ads and Google Analytics: - Proper linking between Google Ads and Analytics is crucial to avoid 'not set' values. Ensure correct views in GA and linked accounts in Ads. Refer to this link (support.google.com/analytics/answer/9379420?hl=en#zippy=%2Cin-this-article) for guidance on linking your Google Ads and Google Analytics accounts.

    2. Auto-Tagging:
      When a user clicks a Google ad, a Google Click Identifier (GCI) appears in the target URL.
      The GCI is stored in the website's Google Analytics cookie file, allowing Google Ads data visibility in Analytics Reports.
      Manually tag links if auto-tagging isn't functional. Verify auto-tagging status in Google Ads and enable manual tagging in Google Analytics preferences.
      Avoid using manual and auto-tagging simultaneously to prevent inaccurate results.

    3. Invalid Clicks:
      Not set' values may indicate invalid clicks, possibly from malware or bots.
      Address invalid traffic issues by referring to the Google Help Centre for solutions.

    4. Redirects:
      Redirects can cause 'not set' values for GCLID if not saved during URL redirection.
      Save the GCLID URL parameter during redirects for accurate tracking.
      Ensure the auto-tagging feature is active using Chrome Developer Tools. Visit the [Google Analytics Help Centre] for detailed instructions.

    5. Scripts:
      Syntax and GCLID issues may lead to 'not set' values.
      Ensure scripts run accurately to process tags correctly.
      Check for scenarios where the GCLID parameter is omitted due to URL changes or character limitations.

    6. Https URL:
      Ensure destination URLs in Google Ads have the correct http or https prefix to capture click-throughs accurately.
      Adding the https prefix is crucial to track activities and conversions effectively.

    7. Settings & UTM Code:
      Activate eCommerce settings on the Google Analytics admin page.
      Verify and enable the UTM Code in Google Adwords settings to ensure proper tracking.

    By addressing these considerations, you can enhance the accuracy of tracking and reporting in your Google Ads and Google Analytics integration.