• carorapanorama_fish_eye
    28 posts
    a year ago

    In UA, a Site Speed report was generated, but it's not so in GA4. Is there a way to implement the page load time on GA4?

    Any help would be most appreciated!

  • edit

    Thread title has been changed from Is there a way to implement Page Speed Insights on GA4?.

  • agkhypanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Hi @carora,

    As of now, GA4 lacks a 'Page Timings' report and does not include page load time metrics. It remains uncertain whether Google will introduce loading time metrics to GA4. Therefore, let's explore how we can leverage Google Tag Manager to generate reports on our page loading times in Google Analytics.

    To begin, it is essential to have Google Tag Manager (GTM) implemented and ensure you have set up a GA4 configuration tag within your GTM container.

    Step 1 - Create A Custom Javascript Variable

    [Page Speed Insights Question Image 1.png]
    This is how the variable appears in Google Tag Manager (GTM):
    Page Speed Insights Question Image 2.png
    This custom JavaScript variable utilizes the Performance Navigation Timing API to compute the duration in milliseconds between the loadEventEnd and startTime, providing us with the page load time. Subsequently, we convert the result from milliseconds to seconds.

    If you prefer more detailed reporting of page loading time in Google Analytics, you can modify the script to report the duration in milliseconds instead of seconds. Below is the JavaScript version that will provide you with milliseconds:
    Page Speed Insights Question Image 3.png

    Step 2 - Create a Trigger
    The subsequent task involves setting up a trigger that will activate our GA4 event tag. To achieve this, we will create a trigger using the 'Window Loaded' trigger type. This trigger will fire the tag once a page has fully loaded in the user's browser. Here is the trigger setup:
    [Page Speed Insights Question Image 4.jpg]

    Furthermore, we'll establish a second trigger to prevent the GA4 event tag from firing in case our custom JavaScript variable returns a value less than zero.
    Page Speed Insights Question Image 5.jpg

    Step 3 - Creating a Tag

    With the custom JavaScript variable capturing the page loading time and our triggers set up, we can proceed to craft our GA4 event tag. This tag will facilitate the transmission of the loading time data to Google Analytics 4.
    Page Speed Insights Question Image 6.jpg

    I've chosen to label the event as "page_load_time," but you have the flexibility to designate any name you prefer for your event. Additionally, I'm transmitting the page load time to Google Analytics by employing the "loading_time_sec" parameter, measured in seconds.

    Step 4 - Setting Parameters

    Having established the custom "page_load_time" event, the next step is registering our "loading_time_sec" parameter in GA4. For this, you must have edit or admin permission in Google Analytics. Proceed by navigating to the 'Configure' section and then selecting 'Custom Definitions.' Here, you will create a new custom metric to effectively utilize the parameter value in generating detailed reports
    Page Speed Insights Question Image 7.png

    Step 5: Testing the Tag and Publishing it

    For the concluding step, it is essential to thoroughly test the tag, triggers, and variable within your GTM container. This process allows you to verify the accurate transmission of the page loading time value to GA4. Once you are confident in the setup, proceed to publish your container.
    Page Speed Insights Question Image 8.png

    How to Generate Page Load Time Reports in GA4

    To begin, access the 'Explore' section and proceed to generate a new blank report. Now add a dimension - Page path & class. You can also use landing page/page title/page location
    Page Speed Insights Question Image 9.png

    Next, I will include the 'Views' metric and the custom 'Page Loading Time' metric to the report.
    Page Speed Insights Image 10.png

    By adding these metrics into the report, we can now observe the loading time for individual pages on our website. Nevertheless, the current presentation shows the total loading time for each page. While we anticipate that Google may introduce the ability to display averages for custom metrics in the future, currently, we have two options to achieve this: exporting our data or employing Looker Studio.

    Using Looker Studio to Report on Page Load Time

    To begin, you must create a report and establish a connection between your GA4 property and Looker Studio.You can do so quickly using EasyInsights (Link). Afterward, generate a table and include your preferred page-based dimension. In my example, I have used 'Page Path,' but you can opt for any other suitable option. For the metrics, I recommend adding 'Event Count' and 'Average Page Loading Time.'

    As we previously established our custom 'Page Loading Time' metric in Google Analytics, Looker Studio automatically offers the following fields for utilization in our reports:

    A. Page Loading Time: Presents the overall combined loading time for your pages, similar to what we observed directly in Google Analytics.

    B. Average Page Loading Time: Calculates the average loading time based on the custom metric registered in Google Analytics.

    C. Count Page Loading Time: Provides the total count of instances when the loading_time_sec parameter was collected.

    Lastly, we should include a filter in our chart to address potential scenarios where a page view was captured without our page load time tag firing. This could happen due to trigger adjustments to prevent the event from firing on every page, errors during data collection, or when the page loading time was calculated as zero seconds (or even less).
    Page Speed Insights Image 11.png

    By following these steps, we will obtain a table that presents the average loading times for the pages on our website. Looker Studio will automatically exhibit the loading time metric in the format of hours, minutes, and seconds. However, if you prefer a numeric representation, you can achieve this by clicking on the edit icon (the small pencil icon) next to the metric. Then, modify the 'Type' from 'Duration' to 'Number.' This adjustment will make the data easier to read and comprehend.
    Page Speed Insights Image 12.png

    That’s that! You can now view the page load time in GA4. hope this helps!

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