• pgptpanorama_fish_eye
    55 posts
    2 years ago

    Even though I set up the GA4 data stream weeks ago and spent hours configuring Google Analytics and my WordPress Site Kit plugin, the data stream continues to show the message "No data received in the past 48 hours." I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this

  • agkhypanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    If you've utilized Site Kit and granted the plugin permission to insert your GA4 snippet, reporting should function correctly when you receive site visits. To ensure proper functionality, please review the following aspects within Site Kit:

    1. Confirm that the "Place Google Analytics 4" option is enabled.
    2. To exclude logged-in traffic, Check whether the "Exclude Analytics" setting is active. This setting is usually enabled by default, which means your own site visits won't be included in the analytics count.
      You can also use the tagassistant.google.com service to check for any problems with your existing snippets.