• Members 24 posts
    Dec. 4, 2023, 6:10 a.m.

    I am a beginner and this might be an easy question. but my issue is that fbclid is messing up my Google Analytics reports. It tricks GA into thinking that every click to the same page is a different page altogether. While all of the URLs in my report actually lead to the exact same landing page, the FBCLID parameter at the end of every URL confuses GA and makes it think that all of the pages are different.

    I want all of these URLs to be rolled into one single line, but the unique FBCLID for every link causes them to show up as distinct values in different columns.

    Please help

  • Mod
    Dec. 4, 2023, 6:18 a.m.

    Google Analytics has an option that allows you to exclude the FBCLID parameters from all the website page URLs and ensure they appear as normal URLs in your report. Though this can only be done for future data that is tracked by Google Analytics. It does not apply to the existing reports and page URLs that already have a FBCLID parameter attached to them.

    1- In your Google Analytics account, go to the ‘Admin’ section

    2- Under the View column, go to View Settings


    3- Go to the ‘Exclude URL Query Parameters and type in ‘fbclid’


    4- Click on the Save button and you are done

    While it is not possible to remove FBCLID parameter from previous data in GA, you can create a filtered view using advanced search features to view compiled analytics for every page that does not include FBCLID.

    1- Go to Behavior → Site content → All Pages.

    2- Click on the Advanced Search options


    Select Matching RegExp option from the drop down and type ^\/$|^\/\?fbclid in the search field. You should now be able to see page reports without the FBCLID in it.



    PNG, 58.5 KB, uploaded by agkhy on Dec. 4, 2023.


    PNG, 165.8 KB, uploaded by agkhy on Dec. 4, 2023.


    PNG, 94.6 KB, uploaded by agkhy on Dec. 4, 2023.


    PNG, 141.5 KB, uploaded by agkhy on Dec. 4, 2023.