• Members 38 posts
    July 24, 2023, 6:29 a.m.

    After copying the link, I went to WordPress, but I am unable to locate the right place to insert the link.

  • Mod
    July 24, 2023, 6:34 a.m.

    Hello there,

    As a WordPress user, have you considered utilizing the Site Kit plugin by Google for inserting your GA4 snippet? Not only does this plugin safely insert your snippet, but it also allows you to view Analytics metrics directly from your WordPress administrator dashboard and facilitates connecting your site with other services.

    However, if you still prefer to use your own snippet, you can add it to your theme, preferably in a child theme to avoid overwriting. Typically, the header.php file in your theme requires modification.

    For a safer alternative to adding the snippet directly to your theme, you can consider using a custom inserts type plugin or Tag Manager.

    In case you decide to opt for Site Kit and encounter any issues, don't hesitate to seek assistance from the plugin support forums at: