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How an apparel brand increased it ROAS by 30% using Audience Suppression



Increment in ROAS

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Meet the Brand

This brand is well-known for its stylish, high-quality clothing and accessories that are focused on sustainability. They offer a wide range of products, prioritising ethical manufacturing and inclusive design. With a focus on innovation and authenticity, the brand wants individuals to express their unique style confidently.

The Challenge

The brand's ROAS was lower than desired as they were targetting irrelevant audiences. They couldn't segment audiences effectively (and in real-time) leading to ad wastages, and sub-optimal ROAS.

The Solution with EasyInsights

Recognising the need for creating more granular audience segments, the brand approached EasyInsights. EasyInsights helped them segment their audiences on various criteria - purchase history, demographics, behaviour, etc.. Now the brand can tailor their marketing efforts to specific audiences, ensuring the campaign reaches the most relevant audience.

Not only that, but after segmentation, EasyInsights seamlessly integrated into their ad platforms where it sends those segments directly to ad campaigns in real-time. As a result, the brands can easily exclude irrelevant audience segments from their campaigns. This optimized their ad spends and maximised ROAS


The outcomes were remarkable. By using EasyInsights for audience segmentation and audience suppression, the brand was able to optimise its marketing campaigns and get a notable 30% boost in ROAS in a relatively short time. This translated to substantial cost savings and increased profitability for the brand.


Better Audience Targeting: EasyInsights enabled precise audience segmentation for the brand, helping them reach specific demographics, behaviors, and preferences more effectively.

With EasyInsights
Better Audience Targeting: EasyInsights enabled precise audience segmentation for the brand, helping them reach specific demographics, behaviors, and preferences more effectively.
Improved ROAS: With EasyInsights' advanced audience segment properties, the brand suppressed irrelevant audiences from their campaigns and achieved higher engagement rates, and increased ROAS
Without EasyInsights
Limited Audience Insights: Before EasyInsights, the brand lacked granular audience insights, and therefore, couldn't create audience segments. This made their targeting broad and less effective, leading to missed opportunities for the marketers.
Poor Campaign Performance: Without advanced segmentation, the brand struggled to send targeted audience segments to the ad platform and optimize their campaigns. This led to lower engagement rates, increased ad spending, and lower ROAS.

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