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How a wellness brand decreased their CPP by 19% using audience activation on Meta



more purchases


lower cost per purchase

Meet the Brand

Founded in 2021, the brand produces and sells natural body creams in India

The Challenge

The brand's CPP was higher than desired as they were targetting irrelevant audiences. They couldn't segment audiences effectively (and in real-time) leading to ad wastages, and sub-optimal ROAS.

The Solution with EasyInsights

The brand approached EasyInsights after recognising the need to create more specific consumer groups. EasyInsights assisted them in segmenting their customers based on a variety of characteristics, including purchasing history, demographics, and behaviour. Now the brand can target their marketing efforts to specific audiences, ensuring that the campaign reaches the most relevant people.

Not only that, but following segmentation, EasyInsights integrates effortlessly into their ad platforms, sending segments directly to ad campaigns in real time. As a result, brands may simply dismiss irrelevant target segments from their advertisements. This optimised their ad expenditure and maximised ROAS.


The outcomes were remarkable. By using EasyInsights for audience segmentation and audience suppression, the brand was able to optimise its marketing campaigns and get a notable 19% decrement in CPP in a relatively short time. This translated to substantial cost savings and increased profitability for the brand.

With EasyInsights
Low customer acquisition cost (CAC): Reaching new customers was expensive, hindering growth.
23% More Purchases: Improved audience relevance led to a significant increase in purchases.
Without EasyInsights
High Cost Per Purchase (CPP): Targeting irrelevant audiences resulted in higher CPP and wasted ad spend.
Limited Segmentation: Inability to effectively segment based on demographics, behavior, and purchase history hampered targeting.

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