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Top Digital Marketing Analytics Tools To Help Your Brand Grow

Piyush Gupta
Reading Time: 15 minutes

When it comes to digital marketing, data is everything. Without the right data, you won’t be able to understand what’s working well in your campaigns, identify potential issues, or fix areas that need improvement. 

Just like some data and metrics are always more valuable than others, there are some digital marketing analytics tools that stand apart from the rest. With the right analytics tools, you can uncover insights from your data, understand customer behavior, perform an in-depth competitor analysis, and stitch data from different platforms together to better understand your customer journey

In this article, we will be discussing the top digital marketing analytics tools for

  • Web analytics 
  • App analytics
  • SEO and keyword research 
  • Heatmaps
  • Customer Analytics 
  • A/B Testing 
  • Product analytics 
  • End to end marketing analytics  

1. Web analytics 

1.1 Google Analytics 

With over half of the websites across the world using Google Analytics, it is clearly the most popular and fundamental web analytics tool available online. The power of Google Analytics lies in its accurate user tracking. Google is everywhere and it tracks user data even when people aren’t directly using a Google tool or a service. 

For website owners, this means, you get access to in-depth user behavior data about your website visitors that you just can’t find anywhere else. 

Google can identify which pages the users click on, how long they stay, and the actions that they take on the page. It can also tell you how a user discovers your website — through search engines, social media, email newsletters, direct hits, or paid ads. But it’s real charm lies in its in-depth reports based on the vast amount of data that it tracks.

The top features of Google Analytics include: 

  • Complete audience breakdown with details about user demographics, geolocations, behavior, and interests, and more
  • Campaign tracking to analyze where the website traffic is coming from. (You add UTM parameters to website URLs for every campaign to accurately track all the click sources)
  • Ecommerce tracking for product page and order analysis
  • Goal tracking where you can measure and analyze all the important conversions 
  • Behavior flows to track the path website visitors usually take from page to page on your website 
  • Find what keywords the website is ranking for on Google’s search engine
  • Conduct A/B testing for different website pages
  • Third-party integration with all of the other major analytics and SaaS tools available in the market 

Price: Free. 

There is a separate enterprise version of the tool called Google Analytics 360 and the pricing is only available on request.

1.2 Matomo

Previously known as Piwik, Matomo is an open-source and self-hosted web analytics tool with a big focus on security. Matomo clearly states that it gives 100% of the data ownership to its customers and t no third parties get access to the data. 

Matomo offers three main solutions to its users– 

Matomo on-premises which has to be downloaded directly and it is hosted on your own servers. You get complete control of the data and decide where it’s stored. 

Matomo for WordPress is a plugin with a self-hosted option that gives you all the benefits of the on-premises version but without any technical setup. 

Matomo Cloud stores your analytics data on its own cloud, but even then the company claims no rights or ownership over your data. It is also GDPR and CCPA compliant. 

The top features offered by Matomo include:

  • A complete in-depth view of the website visitors
  • Behavioral workflows that track how users interact with your website 
  • Discover acquisition and ROI for different channels 
  • Estimate customer attribution to make better marketing decisions
  • Track product performance on eCommerce websites 
  • Track goals and conversions to see how well the website is performing
  • Import website data from Google Analytics 
  • Discover heat maps, session recordings, paid ad performance, and A/B testing 
  • Find SEO keywords that the website is already ranking for track their performance over time

Price: Matomo On-premise and WordPress plugin are available for free. Matomo Cloud starts at $19 per month 

2. App analytics 

2.1 Firebase

Firebase is an app analytics and development platform which was acquired by Google back in 2014 and it has since become Google’s default mobile platform for developers. The tool offers multi-platform support along with cohort analysis, funnel visualization, real-time analytics and A/B testing. The major advantage of Firebase is that you can build and analyze your mobile applications all through the same platform and since it is a Google product, it directly integrates with other Google tools like Google Analytics, Adwords, and Data Studio.

The main features of Firebase include:

  • A comprehensive development and analytics platform
  • Access to unlimited app analytics 
  • Real-time crash reporting to prioritize and fix bugs quickly 
  • Test your app on different devices before hosting it on Google
  • Share pre-release version of the app with trusted testers directly through the platform 
  • Optimize app experience with A/B testing
  • User segmentation predictions that are based on predicted user behavior
  • Store and sync app data on the cloud

Pricing: There are two plans available

Spark plan: Available for free 

Blaze plan: Works on a pay as you go basis. You can calculate pricing, here 


Branch is a cross-platform app analytics and attribution platform which is majorly used to unify mobile measurement as well as user experiences across different channels, platforms and devices. The tool helps increase mobile retention, conversions, and engagement through user routing, deep linking, attribution, and personalized end user app experiences.

Branch creates deep linked re-engagement ads as well as web and mobile campaigns which you can use to target users as they go from your website to your mobile app, even when they pause to install your company app. 

The main features of Branch include: 

  • Attribute ad conversions for every device and platform
  • Deep links to engage customers in a meaningful way
  • Triggers banners to provide web visitors a quick way to install and access your app 
  • Accurately tracks user journeys from start to end 
  • Offers personalized experiences to users to increase app installs 
  • Powerful audience targeting based on source, app activity, and more 
  • Tracks conversion rates that can be combined across channels

Pricing: There are two plans available:

Launch: Free for up to 10k mobile and web users (You have to pay $5 extra for every additional 1k users) 

Enterprise: Price available on request

3. SEO and Keyword research 

3.1 Ahrefs 

Ahrefs has one of the best backlink indexes, making it the perfect SEO tool for building high-quality backlinks for your website. You can also use Ahrefs to discover your competitor’s backlink profiles in order to create a powerful backlink strategy. 

Apart from link building, Ahrefs can also be used for tracking Google rankings, conducting SEO audits to discover existing issues, and perform thorough keyword research. It offers keyword reports for over 171 countries and 10 different search engines. 

The top features of Ahrefs include:

  • Site Explorer that allows you to get an in-depth view of search engine traffic and backlinks of any website or URL
  • Content Explorer which helps discover popular content under different topics
  • Rank tracker which tracks both desktop and mobile search engine rankings for any country and also sends alerts for new and lost rankings
  • Domain comparison which compares backlinks of up to 5 different websites 
  • Content Gap tool that finds keywords which your competitors rank for but you don’t 

Price: Ahrefs has four different plans available 

Lite — $99 per month (ideal for beginners and small business owners)

Standard — $179 per month (ideal for experienced bloggers and SMEs)

Advanced — $399 per month (ideal for SEO companies and experts)

Agency — $999 per month (ideal for marketing agencies with big clients and high traffic websites)

3.2 Moz 

Moz takes data from more than 10 different sources including Google, Facebook, and Yelp, in order to give you a clear understanding of your website’s SEO status. It relies heavily on Page Authority and Domain Authority scores to provide accurate SEO insights, backlinks, keyword rankings, page optimization reports, and site audits. 

Moz offers two main products — Moz Pro, which is an all-in-one SEO tool, and Moz Local, which mainly helps local businesses expand their digital presence online.

The top features of Moz include:

  • Keyword research tool finds the best keywords to target based on their search volume, difficulty to rank, organic CTR, and the priority score
  • Rank tracking helps track all the important keywords for Google, Yahoo, and Bing across 200+ countries 
  • Compares mobile vs desktop visibility and how your competitors are ranking for important keywords
  • Conducts audits through Site Crawl to identify major SEO errors and gives recommendations to fix those errors
  • Link research tracks your overall link building efforts through end to end link profile analysis. 
  • On-Page Optimization analyzes web pages and gives customized SEO recommendations to improve rankings

Price: Moz has four different pricing plans:

Standard – $99 per month

Medium – $149/mo 

Large – $249/mo 

Premium – $599/mo

3.3 SEMrush

SEMrush claims that its tool is used by over 6,000,000 marketers worldwide. With SEMrush, you can do complete keyword research, competitive analysis, link building, SEO audit, content research, and more. SEMrush also gives you PPC metrics and estimated CPC for high search volume keywords. With SEMrush subscription, you get access to over 40+ tools for SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing.

The top features of SEMrush include:

  • Keyword research tool that analyzes your competitor’s best performing keywords and compares your keyword profile with them in order to discover new opportunities 
  • Complete website audit which checks the site health, analyzes how the website interacts with Google’s search engine and gives suggestions to improve SEO
  • Position tracking to find all the keywords the website is ranking for
  • Discover which competitors have the most paid traffic, paid keywords, and ad budgets for any given location
  • End to end PPC keyword research to build high performing paid ads
  • Social media and content marketing analytics 

Price: There are three plans available on SEMrush

Pro – $99.95 per month

Guru – $199.95 per month

Business – $399.95 per month

4. Heatmaps

4.1 Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg is one of the most popular heatmap tools available in the market which offers scroll heatmaps, click heatmaps, and mouse cursor heatmaps. To start using it, you only need to add a small code to your website so that the tool can start tracking user behavior. If you have a WordPress based website, you can just install the WordPress plugin to get started.

Crazy Egg creates snapshots (or reports) of the different pages on your website to show user behavior for every page. You can create separate snapshots for desktop, table,t and mobile users for more drilled down analytics. You can also integrate Crazy Egg with Google Analytics and use it to analyze how email and ad campaign visitors interact with your website.

The main features of Crazy Egg include:

  • Customized heatmaps for different devices, pages, and target audience
  • Confetti heatmaps which divide the heatmap data according to traffic sources, meaning you can analyze how users from search, social media, and other referral sources interact with your site 
  • Screen recordings of entire user sessions which allow you to get a better understanding of the customer journey
  • A/B testing for different pages to see which page converts better than the others
  • Integrates with major platforms like WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Shopify, and more

Price: There are five different pricing plans available for Crazy Egg

Basic — $24 per month

Standard — $49 per month

Plus — $99 per month

Pro — $249 per month

Custom — Customized pricing mainly aimed at enterprise users

4.2 Hotjar 

Hotjar is more than just a website heatmap tool, it also offers other behavior analytics features like user session recordings, instant visual feedback, and targeted user surveys. User session recordings and surveys are the perfect way to better understand your conversion funnels and how they can be improved. 

When it comes to heatmaps, Hotjar offers click, move, and scroll heatmaps which can help you understand how users interact with your website. Like Crazy Egg, you can also filter the user data in Hotjar according to the user’s devices.

The top features of Hotjar include:

  • Motion heatmap snapshot which shows how users move their cursor on the website pages
  • Recorded user sessions that can be filtered, shared and tagged
  • Target visitors coming to different pages of the website or using different devices
  • Exclude tracking yourself by blocking your IPs for more accurate user reports
  • Add unlimited team members to your Hotjar account 
  • Download and share Hotjar reports in CSV or XLS format 


Basic plan is free 

Plus — $39 per month 

Business — Start at $99 per month

Agency — Custom pricing on request 

5. Customer Analytics

5.1 CleverTap 

CleverTap is a customer analytics tool which combines real-time customer insights, powerful engagement tools, and an advanced segmentation engine all into one marketing platform.  

CleverTap offers support for different messaging channels, campaign optimization, product A/B testing, customer lifecycle optimization, omnichannel campaign coordination, powerful customer segmentation, and individualized experiences for each customer based on predictive machine learning. 

But it is the powerful behavior analytics that truly makes CleverTap stand out. The tool helps you get a more in-depth view of your customers and in turn, helps you build long-lasting customer relationships.

The top features that CleverTap offers, include: 

  • Track user flows and drops off points in your mobile apps through end to end funnel analysis 
  • Discover buying patterns to better understand your customers 
  • Visualize key trends and hotspots in your customer data 
  • Compare how different user segments interact with your app 
  • Measure total app uninstalls to get a better idea about retention rate 
  • Real-time view of any user with all the aggregated touchpoints


There are three plans available for CleverTap

Growth — INR 16,999 per month (for 25,000 monthly active users)

Advanced — INR 23,799 per monthly (for 25,000 monthly active users)

Enterprise — Custom pricing available on request

The monthly pricing for Growth and Advanced increases with the increase in monthly active users

5.2 MoEngage

MoEngage analyzes customer behavior and helps you offer more personalized communication to your customers at every touchpoint across the customer lifecycle journey. Powered by AI, MoEngage is a full-stack solution with support for all the major channels including email campaigns, SMS, in-app messaging, web and mobile push, social media platforms, and even WhatsApp. 

It also offers accurate customer segmentation, maps customer journeys to predict customer behavior, automates cross channel lifecycle campaigns, and manages push notifications.

The top features of MoEngage include:

  • Analyze and compare how different customer segments interact with the brand on mobile, web, and email to better understand their persona
  • Visualize conversion funnels to measure and optimize conversion rates accurately
  • Perform cohort analysis to measure retention rate and engagement
  • Analyze different traffic sources, user session details, and customer data
  • Discover what the customer likes and dislike as they move through the entire funnel
  • Identify and fix weak spots that lead to low engagement rates

Price: There are three plans available but the company does not share the price publicly

6. A/B testing 

6.1- Optimizely 

Optimizely is an A/B testing platform that is majorly aimed at enterprise customers. Mainly targeted towards websites and apps with high traffic, Optimizely is for companies that are serious about personalization and testing and have big budgets for it.

You can use Optimizely to run A/B tests on the web, mobile apps, TV, messaging apps, and more in order to optimize your complete customer experience. Optimizely also offers a free service called Rollouts which can be used by developers to introduce new features to a small percentage of users in order to reduce risks and fail safer.

The main features of Optimizely include:

  • Targeted frontend A/B, multivariate and multi-page testing
  • Visual editor for creating variations for web or mobile page designs without any code along with advanced segmentation and targeting
  • Segment users with robust dimensions and target them accordingly 
  • Support for both single-page apps and dynamic websites 
  • Iterate and roll out new features to a small number of users
  • Phased rollouts to reduce risk of launching new products

Price: The price for Optimizely is only available on request

5.2 VWO

Visual Website Optimizer (VWO) is another A/B testing tool which works in the same way as Optimizely, but without the enterprise price tag which makes this the top choice for SMBs and marketers. 

With VWO, you get access to extensive A/B testing tools, split URL experiments, and multivariate. Just like Optimizely, VWO also has a no-code visual editor which lets you build variations of web pages and designs to optimize end-user experience. Developers can also make changes to web pages through HTML/CSS/JS using the advanced code editor

The top features of VWO include:

  • Segment and run different tests based on the website visitor’s behavior
  • Track the impact of your A/B tests across the entire funnel 
  • Understand how users interact with your web page variations through heatmaps and user session recordings
  • Segment reports based on traffic sources, new vs returning users, and other custom parameters 
  • Access to a library of widgets to test design variations 
  • Asynchronous coding which avoids slower loading times that are otherwise common in A/B testing tools 

Price: Pricing starts at $199. You can also get custom pricing quotes based on your requirements 

7. Product analytics 

7.1 Mixpanel 

Mixpanel is a product analytics tool for web, mobile, and apps that aims to help you better understand customer metrics. The tool offers in-depth user behavior analytics to give you a clear idea about who your power users are, where is the main drop off points, and what are the most popular features among your users. Mixpanel also helps create visual reports which make it easier to pull important data and understand underlying patterns. 

Here are the top features of Mixpanel:

  • Monitor important KPIs and user behavior for your product 
  • Analyze launch impact of new features
  • Track and visualize user journeys for your products and websites
  • Compare how different group of users interact with your product 
  • Get real- time notifications when important KPIs change
  • Easy to build and and shareable dashboards

Pricing: There are three plans available

Starter: Free for up to 10,000 tracked user every month

Growth: $25 per month for up to 25,000 tracked monthly users

Enterprise: Custom pricing, available on request 

7.2 Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics is a product and website analytics tool which analyzes user data to deliver key insights that can in turn improve conversion rates, user engagement and customer retention. It allows you to uncover user activities and collects acquisition data for every user to help you understand the customer journey in a more effective way. 

Kissmetrics offers two separate solutions for SaaS and eCommerce platforms. While it works almost the same for both of them, the key metrics that it tracks change according to whether you are tracking a SaaS platform or an eCommerce platform. 

The main features of Kissmetrics include: 

  • Tracks key metrics and full customer journey across different devices 
  • Identifies your best and most valuable customers based on their behavior
  • Tracks landing page conversion rates, bounce rates, cart abandonment, customer touchpoints before making a purchase and customer lifetime value
  • Analyzes major drop-offs for every user flow on the website
  • Tracks customer acquisition channels 
  • Advanced BI reporting through SQL
  • Automates email marketing campaigns 
  • Creates custom audience for Facebook and Instagram ads based on user behavior and interests

Ideally, Kissmetrics is more suited for marketers that are trying to sell SaaS solutions or eCommerce products. While it is a powerful tool, it may not be worth the heft investment for people that don’t offer these products or services.


There are three plans available:

Silver: $249 per month

Gold: $499 per month 

Platinum: Custom pricing available on requests 

8. End to end marketing analytics

8.1 EasyInsights

EasyInsights is an AI-driven end to end marketing analytics tool which combines data from different platforms to give you a clear idea about your company’s cross channel marketing performance. It gives you access to full-funnel stitched data which in turn enables you to better understand customer journey and behavior in an accurate and microscopic manner. You can import & combine data from Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Search Console, and CRM tools to create stitched and centralized reports. 

The true power of EasyInsights lies in its user-level data through which you can stitch together your data from all your marketing channels, analytics tools and crm and build a single source of truth for your entire company. 

For instance, Facebook or Google Analytics only give you a vague idea of the number of leads you acquire in a day, they don’t really tell you why you got those leads, or how many of those leads successfully converted into paying customers. EasyInsights stitches your user data together to give you a complete picture of the leads and customer journey.

EasyInsights also offers insightful reports with visualizations and real-time monitoring alerts. You can access the tool through a dedicated dashboard or download it as a Google Spreadsheet add-on to quickly view and filter your data. 

Here are the top feature of EasyInsights

  • Imports data from different channels to access full funnel stitched data 
  • AI-driven Intuitive and actionable insights 
  • Offers custom attribution modelling to accurately determine the final touch points for your conversions 
  • Easily understandable and shareable visual reports
  • Build and track custom metrics and dimensions 
  • Analyze and track individual user sessions and journeys from the first interaction to the last purchase
  • Connect with Tableau or Data Studio to build BI reports


There are three plans available for EasyInsights 

Basic — $349 + 1% of ad spend

Business — $999 + 1% of ad spend

Advanced — Custom pricing available on request

Take a free demo of EasyInsights to know how it can help take your brand to new heights. 

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