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6 Social Media Optimization Strategies That Will Change Your Game

Piyush Gupta
Reading Time: 7 minutes

In digital marketing, optimization does not have to be a scary word. Some associate it with removing all creativity from your marketing. However, social media optimization is a completely different game. 

Social media optimization (SMO) encourages businesses to analyze, audit, and make changes to their content and accounts in order to stay in line with social media best practices. Social media optimization helps increase your content’s visibility and reach, which leads to increased engagement. It also aids in assessing the overall ROI and outcomes of your social marketing efforts, as well as developing a consistent process for creating content ready to perform well. Establishing a process for fine-tuning your content increases the likelihood of meeting your KPIs and making your own job easier.

Because while most businesses are on board with social media, many require simple changes that could significantly improve their performance. The good news is that optimizing your social presence does not require you to sacrifice your brand’s voice or creativity. This guide will go over some basic social optimization techniques for both large and small businesses.

What is Social Media Optimization?

According to a Hubspot report, 21% of consumers will unfollow a brand on social media because of repetitive content, and 19% will unfollow because of frequent posting. Other reasons include excessive posting, excessive clutter, and a lack of engagement with the posts. 

As a result, social media marketers must monitor engagement across all social profiles to determine how useful and relevant their content is and how much the audience can relate to it. Social media optimization will ensure that your money is going to the right places, which will turntables at the right time and improve your performance.

Social media is a fantastic way for your business to grow online. When you optimize social media, you plan, create, and optimize your social media campaigns. Optimizing your campaign allows you to connect with your audience on various social media platforms more effectively. You’ll also improve your brand. You will gain more exposure and generate more leads for your company. This also aids in connecting with your audience. You’ll come across information about search engine optimization as you research social media optimization (SEO).

What Social Media Optimizations Strategies Should You Use?

1. Optimize Your Account

First and foremost, you must ensure that your brand accounts are in line with your company’s objectives. This necessitates a thorough examination of your social profiles, with a focus on branding and marketing messaging. Consider the following details when it comes to account optimization:

  • Branding and creative visuals that match your company’s online presence (logos, fonts, hashtags, taglines, and slogans). A relevant link and/or call-to-action that directs visitors to the appropriate landing page.
  • Marketing messaging and languages that are consistent with your current promotions.
  • Consider your social presence to be a portal to your products and brand. Assuming this is someone’s first encounter with your company, consistency is important for keeping customers engaged and not confusing them.
  • Account optimization ensures that your leads never feel lost, no matter how they find you.
  • As a side note, your links, promotions, and bios may differ slightly across networks. That is perfectly acceptable! Make sure to use the correct social media image sizes, so each account looks sharp.

2. Optimize Your Searchability 

Besides optimizing your account, you also need to optimize the accounts for searchability. Today, brands should prioritize learning how to optimize social media for search. More social profiles are appearing in Google searches, which is a growing trend. So, how should you optimize your social media profiles?

You don’t have to stuff keywords into your posts to improve your social searchability. Begin by conducting keyword research for industry and brand-specific keywords that you can incorporate into your social content. Then, apply some key search-related social media optimization techniques, such as including relevant keywords (and keyword #hashtags) in your social bios.

Check that your company’s key details, such as @username, address, and contact information, are consistent across all accounts. For example, add ‘haircare’ in your key details if you’re a haircare brand. 

Subtle keyword and hashtag use can help increase the visibility of any given piece of content, so don’t waste those captions or bio spaces.

3. Optimize Your Hashtags

Hashtags are a distinct feature of social media. Many people use hashtags to find out about interesting and trending topics. Including hashtags in your campaign is one of the most effective social media optimization techniques. When you use hashtags, you increase the reach of your posts. It allows people to find your content even if they aren’t following your company. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to broaden your reach and generate new leads.

It is critical that you do not use hashtags arbitrarily. Choose your hashtags with caution because there is a strategy involved. You don’t want to generate traffic for your social posts by using irrelevant tags. Look for relevant hashtags by following industry influencers. It’s an excellent way to discover trending hashtags that your target audience uses or searches for. Search for trending hashtags related to your brand or industry.

This will increase your visibility in popular searches and drive traffic to your page. Hashtags are an important part of your social media strategy. Include hashtag selection as part of your social media optimization strategy to ensure you’re reaching relevant leads.

4. Optimize Your Content Strategy

Businesses have an abundance of options for what they can post on social media. However, your content strategy should not be haphazard. The sooner you develop an organized strategy, the easier it will be to generate ideas or posts. The process of optimizing your content strategy begins with you. 

  • Establish a regular publishing frequency and volume (including how often to post, when to post, and how many needed pieces of content per week). 
  • Determine which assets you require to complete your schedule (text posts, images, videos). Determine which posts can be shared across networks and which are platform-specific. 

Remember that content strategy optimization times must be fine-tuned. Based on your analytics, you may discover that you need to ramp up or scale back. However, having a baseline based on the points mentioned above can help you get started.

What matters most is that you’re not posting on the spur of the moment. Identify gaps in your schedule and uncover opportunities to quickly crosspost content if you have a comprehensive view of your content calendar.

5. Optimize Your Links

Here’s an aspect of social media optimization that frequently goes unnoticed.

Businesses should not just drop links on social media at random. Link optimization allows you to more easily track your customers’ click-through behavior and identify your top-performing social content. Simply put, you should make an effort to:

  • To track click attribution, add UTM parameters to your social links. Read the best practices of UTM tagging here.
  • Determine which links are receiving the most clicks (consider which campaigns they are associated with and which CTAs were used).
  • Make sure you’re sending people to the right links and landing pages (think: not just a homepage, ideally)

Link optimization is critical for determining the ROI of your posts and social efforts in general.

6. Optimize Your Performance


The ultimate goal of optimization is to improve your brand’s social media performance. For most businesses, this means increasing key metrics such as audience engagement, awareness, and share of voice. More clicks, traffic, and conversions, for example. Better performance starts with analytics, as you track what works (and what doesn’t) in terms of social content. To begin, make it a point to:

  • Determine the best-performing content for your brand based on your KPIs.
  • Monitor mentions determining your brand’s share of voice in comparison to competitors.
  • Find common threads between your most popular posts and links.

Monitoring and improving your overall social performance requires the use of social media optimization tools. 

Are your sales down? Perhaps it’s time for a change. Are you noticing an increase in interactions? Continue doing what you’re doing.

In either case, when your analytics are accurate, you can make more confident marketing decisions. A tool like EasyInsights can help pull data from multiple social media channels, providing you with analysis-ready data in minutes and making data-driven decisions much easier. EasyInsights let you monitor your entire marketing efforts, and help to see how your efforts are drilling down into your end objective in real-time. 

Stop ad wastage. Monitor KPIs in real-time and Optimise your campaigns with zero delay. Request a demo today!

Final Words

Optimizing your campaign will strengthen your brand and generate more valuable leads for your company. Social media optimization can completely transform your marketing strategies. Consider the preceding steps to be the foundation for improving your social presence. The more of these steps you take, the more effective your campaigns will be built and scaling in the future. When combined with a tool like EasyInsights, these strategies ensure that you approach social media proactively and pay attention to the numbers that matter.

Book a demo to talk to our product experts to take your KPIs off the chart and boost your analytics without any data engineer.

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